Pharmakologische Modulation des "oxidative burst" aktivierter neutrophiler Granulozyten in Anwesenheit von anoxischen Kardiomyozyten
Zusatz zum Titel:
Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Medizin des
Fachbereichs Humanmedizin der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Max-Planck-Institut für Physiologische und Klinische Forschung, Kerckhoff-Institut,
Abt. Experimentelle Kardiologie, Bad Nauheim
Modulation of the free radical burst after interaction
of anoxic myocytes with stimulated neutrophils
Susanne Szalay, Zoltán Szalay, Bernd Winkler, Wolfgang Schaper, Max-Planck-Institute, Bad Nauheim, F.R. Germany
Reoxygenation of ischemic myocardium may be harmful due to the formation of free radicals. Therefore, experiments were carried out with a co-incubation of isolated myocytes and isolated neutrophils from rats. Myocytes were kept for 12h in anoxic conditions. Neutrophils were stimulated with N-formyl Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP). The free radical burst (FRB) was detected by a luminol mediated bioluminescence assay. Anoxic myocytes rapidly increase the FRB of activated neutrophils to about 844% compared to normoxic myocytes as controls. The FRB can be reduced by addition of superoxid-dismutase (SOD), catalase and gluthation-peroxidase to about 85%, 77% and 72% of the 12h anoxic myocyte group. A further reduction was observed when SOD and catalase together were added (93%). Similary, treatment of normoxic myocytes by diethyldithiocarbamate (a SOD inhibitor) increases the burst formation to about 200% of the control group. The formation of the FRB in the presence of 12h anoxic myocytes was also decreased by addition of isoproterenol (54%) and verapamil (45%). Adenosine agonists like N6-2-phenylisopropyladenosine, 5`N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine and cyclopentyl-adenosine can also reduce the fMLP activated neutrophil FRB to about 86%, 77% and 70%, respectively. In conclusion, anoxic myocytes have a better chance of survival in co-culture with activated neutrophils when substances which reduce the free radical formation by different pathways are added.
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33 Medizin
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