Zur Giessener Elektronischen Bibliothek
Albrecht Köhl, Roland Schürhoff

HIV risk groups and HIV infected people - aspects of discrimination and segregation


The results of this study are descended from the research project Socialpsychological aspects of HIV/AIDS in consideration of discrimination and stigma processes, which was conducted at the Zentrum für Psychosomatische Medizin at Giessen University in 1989 and 1990.

Within a representative survey 2025 adults were asked about their attitudes and behavioral aspects concerning HIV/AIDS and sexuality.

The survey incorporated sociodemographic variables as well as sociopsychological instruments, which were included for the first time in German HIV/AIDS research. The main instruments used were a 4-item-battery measuring authoritarianism and a 40-item psychological inventory, the Giessen test, providing extensive personal psychological information about background features. The Giessen test, as a personality inventory, is especially useful when taking social aspects into account.

Attitudes towards minorities and HIV risk groups

The results show that those minorities which are perceived as closer and more threatening, are reviled most.

The HIV disconcerted minorities (homosexuals, prostitutes and IDU's) are clearly identifiable in the overall minority context. Factor analysis indicate a distinct 3-factor-pattern: 1. the "very unsympathetic" HIV risk groups, 2. the "unsympathetic" members from deviating cultures (turks, gypsis, asylum seekers etc.) and 3. people which are characterized by political protest (environmental and feminity activists).

Governmental steps and precautions against HIV risk groups and HIV infected people

The results show that there is an opinion polarization. One part of the population votes for punishment measures, the other part wants prophylactic and educational campaigns.

Authoritarian persons and respondents with negativ attitudes towards the HIV risk groups agree much more to hard official punishment measures.

On the other hand, people with tolerant and informed opinions can be described as having a positive self esteem, more competent and the ability to empathize.

Relationships between willingness of contact, tolerance and sexual behavior

The correlation coefficients indicate a point of separation between sexually active and sexually inactive people: the first are marked by tolerance and empathy, the latter by intolerance and a separational tendency.

Explanating factors in the context of discrimination and stigma

The authoritarian personality deserves special attention, because it is the most effective predictive factor to all affective emotional attitudes in the context of HIV/AIDS, stigma and prejudice.

Furthermore it is the personal infection-risk-evaluation, the perception of everyday risks and the attitude towards the HIV/AIDS related minorities, that play an important role in the process of discrimination and segregation. Not only agreeing with official punishment measures, but also prophylactic strategies concerning HIV/AIDS are strongly influenced by both attitudinal facets.

The Authoritarian personalty reflected in the Giessen test

As a basic trait the authoritarian personalty can be well described by several aspects of the applied psychological inventory, the Giessen test. Distinguishing marks of an authoritarian person in psychological terms, are not a lack of social skills or the way of everyday contact with others, but the interplay of submissive inner structure and the desire for admiration.

Correlation analysis of both the authoritarian construct and the Giessen test items underline the typical psychological profile of authoritarian persons: less impulsive, showing no emotion, aggression hampered, no fantasy and not very kindhearted.

Furthermore the weakness of the ego-overego-organization is indicated. Playacting capabilities do not exist, impulsiveness often is missing and in the field of sexuality authoritarian persons are less sensitive.

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